Executive Coaching & Leadership Development Training in Mountain View, CA

Staying on top of your organization’s leadership and executive management skills training is vital to your overall success. You have to make sure that every employee is responding to the techniques used by your managerial core. Developing these skills is essential because it not only allows for supervisors and managers to improve but can also help them to curb poor habits and behaviors that could be holding the business back. At the Leadership Development Institute, your managers and executives in Mountain View, CA will learn the skills necessary to bring your organization to the next level.

Our hands-on approach to coaching and training puts your leaders in real-world situations and shows them how to deal with conflicts and difficulties, rather than simply telling them how to do so. We go beyond your managerial staff, as well, since we handle executive coaching, ensuring everyone on your management team is on the same page. Coaching executives how to communicate better creates a leadership brand so that workers know what is expected of them at all times. With LDI, you can take your Mountain View Silicon Valley company to the next level by creating an environment where proper leadership is in place, which is a situation that benefits every single person within the organization.

Leadership Skill Training in Mountain View

Your organization will only go as far as your leadership group takes it. You could have the greatest employees in the world, but if they’re not receiving the proper guidance, the company will falter because not only will they not know what is expected of them on a daily basis, but they could also lack motivation. One of the first things your leaders will learn through LDI is how to create a followership, which essentially sets the culture within the workplace. Our course helps managers to implement their own style and tone of leadership while showing them how to communicate this vision to their workers. The tone set is what encourages employees to follow this vision which, in turn, creates the workplace culture.

Enhanced managerial courage is another aspect of our leadership development in Mountain View, CA course, as we’ll show your managers how to hold employees accountable while providing constructive feedback. Dealing with problems in the workplace is also covered because leaders are often put into difficult situations and must know how to handle them. Managerial effectiveness is a topic covered by the Leadership Development Institute, as we’ll put your leaders through a series of simulations where they’ll have to deal with real-world issues. We will provide live coaching throughout the process, helping your managers to put what they’ve learned into practice.

Mountain View Team Coaching and Development

If your organization is large, it’s likely that you have a full leadership team in place. In these situations, making sure that everyone is on the same page is vital because if even a single manager fails to live up to the expectations set by the company’s culture, it can create significant problems. The courses at LDI are solution-focused, meaning that we customize everything by assessing your leadership team first-hand and then identifying the issues that could be holding the company back. Once we know what is causing the problems within your leadership group, we can work with the team to come up with solutions. These solutions usually involve working with individuals or small groups and showing them how to fit in with the rest of the team, rather than standing out from the pack and making things more difficult.

Executive Coaching in Mountain View

Managing is a little different for executives because it’s less hands-on as far as the day-to-day goes, but they must still have the ability to work with numerous people within the organization various times. Executives must be respected and fair while having the skills to change their leadership style depending on the situation. LDI provides a unique form of executive coaching, as we work with your executive for about nine months, giving them the chance to use the skills we’re teaching and apply them in the workplace. Our coaches are very thorough and will ensure that your executives are picking up the skills needed to take your organization to its highest level.

Showing You Results

When you sign up for training or coaching through the Leadership Development Institute, we do more than just put your managers through some coursework before sending them back into the workplace. Our coaches show them first-hand how to deal with scenarios that might arise, making you confident that your employees can handle anything that is thrown their way. Our Mountain View, CA leadership training shows your leadership team how to get the most out of their employees which, in the end, will provide the best results for the organization as a whole with the least amount of conflict.